Saturday, 30 July 2011

Work, being boring and reaching 200

It's been a couple of weeks since my last post so I guess it's about time to write something again.

Even though I've finished school and most of my private students are off on holidays these past couple of weeks have been manic what with windband gigs, writing last minute parts for music and updating my professional website. The latter has consumed a vast amount of my time this past fortnight and I'm very glad to have finished the redesign as I don't think I could have coped with anymore html. If you know who I am then you can Google me to see all of my hard work. If you don't know me then...Think of a name, then Google that and pretend it's me. I'm very happy to take all of the credit for their life work and resulting website.

Surprisingly I've even had real life social events to attend, too! How cool is that?! I almost feel like a real boy.

My movie watching has remained at a reduced rate due to all of the important worky bits going on but I'm pleased or possibly slightly ashamed to say I hit the 200 movies milestone by attending a midnight screening of Harry Potter. I now have under 50 new movies left to watch to complete my challenge! Any suggestions for anything special for my 250th?

In other good news I've managed to eat healthily. Following the excellent Slimming World diet plan, I've lost half a stone already and become much more active too. I've taken up squash again and I'm going swimming lots. My next task for the summer is to fit in more practice while things are quiet on the gig front and then make a proactive effort to get some decent gigs again (Looks like there could be more orchestral work on the horizon and a fair bit more conducting too)

That's it really. Nothing's really happened. I'll try harder to do exciting things so I can delight you all with tales of a fun and exciting nature but feel free to make up your own story about the last couple of weeks of my life. Possibly one where I ride a horse/have super powers/hang out with Robert Downey Jr.

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