Thursday, 31 March 2011

Sorry for the delay

Sorry about my unexplained disappearance over the past couple of weeks, life seems to somehow get in the way of doing extra bits and bobs. It's not just the blog I fell behind on either — I have watched so few movies these past few weeks it's a good job I was so far ahead with the film challenge or this period of busyness could well have been my undoing.

I'd like to be able to say that it's the whole going into full time teaching thing that's been keeping me quiet, but that's been at a standstill for a couple of weeks. I've done everything I can and now just have to wait for my main referee to write the reference before things can go any further. She's not done this yet! I shall keep holding out hope and not whine too much yet, but this could be a potential blog post for the future, moaning about people with ulterior motives.

The main reason for my silence has been my trip to Paris with my wonderful girlfriend. We had a fantastic time and I intend to write all about it fairly soonly for those of you that would care to hear. I must stress a couple of things though.

1. I will not be giving you my holiday pictures in the form of words, It is not my intention to bore you all to death. So don't expect a detailed list of what I did but do expect to find out things like how batshit crazy people who drive in Paris are and how amazing the vending machines are.

2. I did not propose to my wonderful girlfriend. For some reason, mention you're going as a couple to Paris and everyone expects you to be dropping to your knees. Come on people, I know we've been going out for a long time now but please let us enjoy living in sin a little longer. She's still in uni, I'm broke and we're happy like that for now. Accept it!

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