Sunday, 6 March 2011

Good News..... I hope.

Just a quick post today, after my meeting with someone from a university at a teacher training event yesterday. I met the guy who's in charge of the secondary PGCE course at the university I want to attend and explained my situation. When I mentioned my teaching experience and the fact I was a college lecturer for five years the guy's eyes lit up. I think he was getting a little sick of stupid questions from uni leavers, judging by the moron of a girl in front of me not listening to a single thing he said as she went on and on about herself and how utterly brilliant she would be as a drama teacher until he explained how hard it was and she instantly decided primary teaching was for her.

Anyways, he told me to apply and apply now, as in for this year! They've cut back the number of places from 55 to 28 and they've already filled up the first 20 or so places so I'm having to be quick and get things done, meaning by tonight my application will be finished and sent off. If there are places left and they offer me a place it will be conditional on me passing my maths equivalency. He also gave me the email address of the guy in charge of the music side saying I should email him, explain my situation and to expect my application, but also mention that he had told me to send the email.

It's all good news initially. I'm working on getting everything sorted and keeping my fingers crossed, especially as by next year, due to the rise in tuition fees, the course will be £6000 more expensive. I'm going to get there no matter what it takes though, even if I have to start hooking to pay for it.

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